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  1. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Personally, I dont believe there ever will be peace in that extremely tiny part of the world, I've said many times previous, the mid east doesnt operate by western standards,
    the entire area operates based on religion, signed agreements mean nothing when secular meet faith.

    If palistinians got all that they wanted and a nation called palistine recognized by Israel, ...nothing will change,
    the factors dictating violence arent about, '67 lines, east Jerusalem, a pali flag or anything else being discussed in MSM, arabs always said "from the river to the sea", in other words, No Israel.

    Israel gave Egypt back the entire Sinai, captured in an Arab war of annihilation of Israel in 67, Land for Peace, Israel and Egypt now have peace,
    Israel uprooted Israeli settlements in Gaza, and gave Gaza to the Palistinians, they elected hamas and Israel got Gaza rockets and several wars in return...Land for Peace, ...rockets attacks on civilians

    If Israel were an expansionist nation with aspirations of a greater Israel, they wouldnt have given back the Sinai and gaza.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. deleted user 555 768
      Not the Golan, thats a strategic platoue that syria fired rockets at Israel, The Golan was annexed for security reason and wont be going back
      deleted user 555 768, Jun 16, 2021
    3. crhurricane
      Arab spring tough them plenty, and they have gotten good to their manipulate. Oh on the offspring, arab are 5 to 8.
      crhurricane, Jun 16, 2021
    4. crhurricane
      I don't follow it that closely anymore, so I know there is plenty I have forgotten or mixed up, it is just a sad situation.
      crhurricane, Jun 16, 2021
    5. ImDown6969
      I’m quite sure things would change if the Israelites would quit breaking previous agreements and stealing Palestinian land. Committing crimes against humanity against the Palestinians should cease and I am absolutely positive things will change. It’s shameful that we send one fucking dime to Israel.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
    6. deleted user 555 768
      You know what a hack fuck cunt, you sound like, going to talk about King David Hotel again to prove Israel was created on terrorism?
  2. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I would like to post a video of Palestinians celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers. It has under age Palestinians joining in the festivities, so I can't.
    1. ImDown6969
      You’re so full of shit. There’s no way you can verify who the fuck to brown people with beards are? Or what they’re doing. Jesus you’re lame
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Al Jazeera uses the word "allegedly" to describe the "attack" for very good reasons because the IDF is routinely caught lying about their actions.

    Palestinian woman shot dead by Israeli troops near Jerusalem
    Mai Afanah, 29, from Abu Dis, was shot by Israeli forces and left bleeding at the scene, Palestinian media reported.

    16 Jun 2021
    Israeli forces have shot a Palestinian woman dead allegedly for attempting to carry out a car-ramming attack northeast of Jerusalem, according to the Israeli army.

    Palestinian media, which identified the victim as doctoral student Mai Afanah, 29, from Abu Dis, said she was shot and left bleeding at the scene of the incident on Wednesday.

    A military statement said the woman attempted to ram her car into a group of Israeli soldiers before exiting the vehicle with a knife near the town of Hizma, northeast of Jerusalem.

    An Israeli soldier was slightly wounded, according to Israeli media.

    The Palestinian health ministry said the woman died of her wounds.

    “The Palestinian civil liaison informed the health ministry of the death of a woman shot by [Israeli forces] in Hizma,” it said in a statement, citing the body that coordinates with Israel on military and civilian issues concerning the occupied West Bank.

    Videos shared on social media showed an abandoned car that allegedly belonged to Afanah at the entrance to the town.

    Palestinian media reported that no ambulance arrived at the scene after she was shot.

    Dozens of Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in recent months allegedly for attempting to carry out stabbing or car-ramming attacks.

    Palestinian rights groups accuse Israeli forces of deliberately killing Palestinians who pose no risk to their lives or safety.

    Rising tensions
    Wednesday’s incident came amid rising tensions following a march in occupied East Jerusalem by Jewish nationalists marking Israel’s occupation of east Jerusalem in 1967. The march drew Palestinian condemnation and anger.

    Israel also launched air raids on the Gaza Strip after incendiary balloons were sent into southern Israel from the besieged enclave.

    There were no reports of casualties on either side following the overnight air raids, which came less than a month after Israel’s 11-day bombardment of Gaza in May that killed at least 256 Palestinians, including 66 children.

    Rockets launched by Palestinian groups during the 11-day Israeli assault killed at least 12 people, including two children, in Israel. The escalation ended with an internationally brokered ceasefire on May 21.

    Last Thursday, Israeli special forces killed a member of Islamic Jihad and two Palestinian security officers in an exchange of fire in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.

    Two Palestinians were killed in separate incidents on Friday and Saturday, the first in the occupied West Bank and the second at a military checkpoint near Jerusalem.

    Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies

    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Its obvious whose lying
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Does anybody trust aljizz to give an honest account of events in Israel...forum banter would question Israel on the same account...its up to the reader to interpret honesty
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. ImDown6969
      Anyone understands when you’re stealing someone else’s land and committing atrocities against them, you’re in the wrong. Israel needs to stop that and that would at least give things an opportunity to change.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
    2. deleted user 555 768
      15 days ago, and you bitch about someone replying to something 24 hours ago....fraud fuck!
  6. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Well, looks like palis are continuing their nojob and refusing to sit, negotiate with the New Israeli govt, palis arent even giving peace a chance, signed agreements mean nothing because its not really about a palistinian state, its about ending the Israeli state

    Palestinians warn PA against resuming peace talks with Israel
    The warning came after reports emerged claiming the PA formed a negotiating team to deal with the Bennett-led government.
    Palestinian factions on Wednesday warned the Palestinian Authority against conducting peace negotiations with the new Israeli government headed by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.
    The warning came in response to a report on Channel 12 that claimed that the PA has formed a negotiating team to deal with the new government at the request of the administration of US President Joe Biden.

    According to the report, the PA team will demand that Israel return to the situation that existed in the West Bank before the Second Intifada.
    This means that the IDF would no longer enter Area A of the West Bank to arrest Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorist activities.

    The PA negotiating team will also demand that control over additional areas in Areas B and C.
    The Olso Accords signed between Israel and the PLO divided the West Bank into three areas of control. Area A is exclusively administered by the PA; Area B is administered by both the PA and Israel; and Area C is administered by Israel.
    A senior PA official in Ramallah refused to comment on the Channel 12 report.

    Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the two Gaza-based terrorist groups, are also opposed to the resumption of the peace talks.
    PLO official Ahmed Majdalani said that he does not see a difference between the new government and that of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the policy toward the Palestinians and the peace process. “The Palestinians’ task now should be to expose the new Israeli government and its measures,” he added.
    Tayseer Khaled, member of the PLO Executive Committee and a senior DFLP official, warned the PA leadership against “falling again into the trap of the policy of enticement to fill the vacuum and bet on reaching understandings with the new Israeli government.”
    Khaled said that the report about the possible resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations reminded him of the policy of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “which was based on deceiving the Palestinians and the world by calling for the continuation of dialogue between the two parties and showing the world that a peace process is taking place under the auspices of the US.”

    The PLO official warned the PA against accepting the Biden administration’s “poisonous advice,” saying that the revival of the peace process would benefit the Israeli government and “cause severe damage to the interests of the Palestinian people.”
    In a separate statement, the DFLP said that resuming the negotiations with Israel “means providing the Palestinian political cover for the criminal policies of the occupation authorities.”
    According to the group, “any cooperation with the occupation authorities in light of the Israeli government’s continuing policies of Judaizing Jerusalem, confiscating lands, expanding areas of settlements and preparing daily for the annexation of the Jordan Valley, is, in fact, a violation by the PA leadership of the decisions of the PLO.”
    1. crhurricane
      Holy flying korans batman, who could of predicted that!
      Oh well
      crhurricane, Jun 16, 2021
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    2. ImDown6969
      What is the source of that article? It has zero credibility unless you’re given a source, by a reputable one, I obviously must add, sadly.
      ImDown6969, Jul 1, 2021
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
    3. deleted user 555 768
      The source is up your ass, go look for it of shut the fuck up!
  7. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I am a history buff. The Palestinians are the only people I have ever read about who demand unconditional surrender from a nation that has defeated them time and time again. :laugh:

    In the current conflict Israel has achieved a twenty to one kill ratio. I think it is time for Palestine to surrender unconditionally. :joyful:
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
  8. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    Never in the history of nations has a nation who was under constant attack given back land captured in war...only Israel is asked to do so
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. FuntimeFla
      Its the phony premise that Israel uses to steal the land that is abhorrent ?
      FuntimeFla, Jun 18, 2021
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I will have to point out something else. I am being accused of being antisemitic because I often refer to Netanyahu as Bibi the Butcher because he has killed thousands of Palestinians, committed war crimes, and actually instigated the most recent violence where over 200 Palestinians, including more than 60 children were killed simply because he thought a conflict might keep him in power. That makes him a ruthless butcher to me.

    But if we follow the logic that calling Netanyahu Bibi the Butcher is antisemitic that also must mean that someone who constantly refers to President Biden as "Crime Boss Biden" is anti Catholic and anti Christian. Which no treasonous conservative/Republican would agree with.

    So no its simply a common trope for people to falsely accuse anyone critical of the government of Israel to be antisemitic. And that is also no accident. The government of Israel has spent a lot of time and money creating that trope to shield them of any criticism for their terrorism, assassination, murder, mass slaughter, and proving war with their neighbors to steal land.

    And now as promised.

    Have you ever wonder how we managed to lose 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and three army officers in a suicide bombing in Beirut Lebanon on October 23, 1983 which the largest loss of Marines in a single day since the invasion of Iwo Jima during World War II?

    It was pretty simple really. The government of Israel had spent decades instigating civil war in Lebannon hoping to turn it into a Christian dominated country and a puppet government. Then when things started to get out of hand Israel turned to the US to do their dirty work for them. President Reagan obliged and sent in the Marines as a peace keeping force with little thought or logistics because they used a building with no protection as a barracks for the Marines. Which made them sitting ducks for a Hezbollah suicide bomber driving a truck load of explosives. That's what happened and a total loss of all those lives because once hit like that Reagan just pulled them out again and let the civil war continue. But Israel still gained because at the very least Lebannon descended into chaos were it remains today. They didn't get their Christian state but in a constant state of chaos Lebannon was no longer a threat.

    Here's the history.

    https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-iWpQLGz5TzZJDxxw/Israel's Sacred Terrorism_djvu.txt
    1. crhurricane
      Only thing missing is the disclaimer.
      The one that reads
      propoganda, legally allowed to promote ideals to undermine agendas of the opposition. Put in place by anti-Americans, simply to divide the power structure and weaken the stability of the country.
      crhurricane, Jun 17, 2021
      FuntimeFla likes this.
  10. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    My versions are historically accurate, your versions are not !
    1. stumbler
      I use sources to back up historical events. While all you do is run your mouth saying things are so just because you say so.
      stumbler, Jun 17, 2021
    2. shootersa
      Oh, Shooter, leave it be.
      Just walk away.
      Let it go.

      Aw, fuck it.
      Wrong story, MSNBC CNN and all the rest are not sources.
      Not even entertainment.
      Just propaganda.
      shootersa, Jun 18, 2021
      crhurricane likes this.
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    American Jews did not vote for Trump because they can see he's antisemitic and reminds them of Hitler. Which is proven with things like promoting the antisemitic trope that American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States of America. American Jews have been fighting against that trope since Israel was created and its been a constant battle.

    And in addition here is Trump confessing to another quid pro quo attempt to get him elected.

    Trump whines American Jews 'don't love Israel enough' because they didn't vote for him


    Former President Donald Trump once again cast aspersions on American Jews who didn't vote for him in either the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.

    Via The Forward's Jacob Kornbluh, Trump told conservative Jewish publication Ami Magazine that American Jews didn't give him enough credit for everything he did to help Israel.

    "I did the Heights, I did Jerusalem, and I did Iran... I believe we got 25 percent of the Jewish vote, and it doesn't make sense," he complained. "It just seems strange to me."

    According to the Jewish Virtual Library, Trump only received 22 percent of the Jewish vote in the 2020 election, while President Joe Biden received 76 percent.

    Trump then questioned American Jews' love of Israel because they didn't vote for him.

    "Jewish people who live in the United States don't love Israel enough," he said. "Does that make sense to you? I'm not talking about Orthodox Jews."

    The remarks echo those made by Trump in 2019 when he said that "any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty."

  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I really had to laugh at the stupid ignorance that only Israel has been asked to return land the took in a war. Especially since Israel deliberately instigated those wars for the sole purpose of stealing land. When the proof that is a lie just glares like the sun. The US not only gave Germany, Italy, and Japan their countries back after World War II we actually helped to rebuild them.

    When Israel not only deliberately steals land they also try to destroy everything the Palestinians have they also keep them from trying to rebuild their homes.

    Gaza recycles rubble as Israel upholds ban on construction goods
    Israel bans more than 1,000 ‘dual-usage’ construction materials leaving Palestinians to repurpose rubble for rebuilding.
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Rep Ilhan Omar was just recently viciously and falsely attacked for daring to tell the truth. Her great sin was putting Israel, the US, Hamas and the Taliban in the same sentence. But the real purpose was to try and bury her point. Its difficult for the US and Israel to claim moral superiority over terrorists groups when they are also guilty of atrocities. Omar never said of even intended to imply that the US, Israel, Hamas, and the Taliban are all the same. She was simply pointing out that sometimes Israel and the US are guilty of atrocities as well and need to clean up their own acts.

    And there is ample evidence of that. Israel has been accused of committing actual war crimes. Especially for using munitions that are banned for use on civilian populations. But it is actually so much more sinister than that. They not only have help but even encouragement from US weapons manufactures that don't really get a chance to test their weapons in the US so they sell them to Israel to see how well they work.

    This is a perfect example of that, It is classified as a war crime to use cluster bombs on civilian populations because what they actually do is drop thousands of little mines all over the ground and as soon as they are stepped on or even touched they explode. Meaning in civilian areas once the battle is over there are still thousands of little cluster bombs laying around that kill and maim innocent civilians and especially children.

    And Israel has dropped cluster bombs on civilians multiple times. And at least one time Israel denied dropping cluster bombs on civilians. But it was soon proven they did. Then the US immediately reacted claiming we had no involvement in that. Only to have the world see the picture of a man holding part f the casing of a cluster bomb with US stamped right on it.

    Cluster bomb use deemed 'war crime' by UN team

    Israel's ambassador to UN argues report ignores Hizbullah attacks on Israel.


    Also don't miss the just incredible and glaring what-about-ism here. The Israeli ambassador isn't denying they dropped cluster bombs on civilians. He's more or less confessing to committing a war crim with the excusee but what about Hizbullah. Which gets right back to Rep Omar's point. Hizbullah is a terrorist organization while Israel is supposed to be a modern democracy. And just because Hizbullah commits terrorism and atrocities does not give Israel the right to respond with war crimes. And make the US accessories to those war crimes.
  14. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The Six Day War of 1967 was provoked by Egypt. Egypt invaded land Israel won in the Six Day War to begin the Yom Kipper War of 1973. After World War I Germany lost territory. After World War II Germany lost more territory. Germany never got that territory back. Korea and Taiwan had been Japanese colonies before World War II. They became independent after World War II. Germany and Japan signed unconditional surrender papers to end World War II. They acknowledged that they had been defeated, and cooperated with their conquerors. Although the Palestinians have lost wars to Israel, the Hamas Charter of 2017 demands unconditional surrender of Israel, and the end of Israel as a country.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. Distant Lover
      The Palestinians should have considered the consequences of offending Israel before they began shooting rockets at Israel.
      Distant Lover, Jun 18, 2021
      deleted user 555 768 likes this.
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I am glad that President Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. I am also glad that President Obama helped the Israelis develop their Iron Dome defense against Palestinian rockets, and raised yearly U.S. financial assistance to Israel to four billion dollars a year from three billion dollars a year. During the 2008 presidential campaign Joe Biden told a Jewish group, "When Barack Obama is elected president, Israel will have a friend in the White House." I am glad that that Israel always has a friend in the White House, no matter who is elected.

    Nevertheless, with his brashness, his vulgarity, and his ignorance Donald Trump does not appeal to many Jews. Jews admire learning and gravitas.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The Palestinians do not want a two state solution. The Hamas Charter of 2017 states clearly that they want all of the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. They want to destroy Israel. If they ever achieve that, for about a year they will dance on the mass graves of the Jews they annihilate. Then they will go home, and find out that there are still no jobs for them and no food in the pantry. Before the Jews came, Palestine was a third world dump. If the Jews who cannot flee are annihilated, and the land is called "Palestine" it will be again a third world dump.

    The only reason the Palestinians have any significance at all is because they are Arabs, and other Arabs have oil under their sand. This oil was discovered by Westerners using methods invented in the West. It is drilled using methods invented in the west. It fuels vehicles invented in the West.

    The Muslim world never recovered from the Mongol conquests of the thirteenth century. Pervez Hoodbhoy, Head of the Physics Department in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, has written, "No major invention or discovery has emerged from the Muslim world for well over seven centuries now."

    P.A. Hoodbhoy, "Science and the Islamic World - The Quest for Rapprochement," Physics Today 60, no. 8 (2007): 49-55.

    By contrast, Jews have won approximately 20% of the Nobel Prizes.
    1. deleted user 555 768
      Palistinians actually originated as Bedouins, historicly, a group of Muslims that didn't have a place, or tribe, as the family group is refers to,, in the ottoman empire, the unaffiliated settled in palistian centuries ago and Like all others in the area, called themselves palistunian
      deleted user 555 768, Jun 18, 2021
  17. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    Palestinians are essentially the N-words of Israel, maybe worse, since they are kept in walled off concentration camps, while their land and water is stolen.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      Its down right creepy when I find myself in agreement with you. But this is the truth.
      stumbler, Jun 18, 2021
  18. FuntimeFla

    FuntimeFla Porn Star

    Jan 25, 2020
    The mass rocket barrages, are awesome, apparently not massive enough to deplete the Iron Dome of ammunition, must have been close. The balloon incendiary bombs are genius ! Sooner or later they will find a way to bring Israel to the bargaining table!
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      One thing that kind of jumped out at me this last time is Hamas has gotten their hands on better rockets. They were actually pretty crude before and Israel had no problem knocking them down. And if one did get through the damage was minimal. But in this latest round several rockets not only got through they caused a lot of damage and casualties.

      And I think that is going to take a toll. One reason Israelis have always backed attacking the Palestinians is because it was mostly just fun and games. They could kill thousands of Palestinians while not really suffering any casualties themselves. But now that Hamas has inflicted more casualties peace with the Palestinians might look better to them
      stumbler, Jun 18, 2021
    2. shootersa
      So the only way Israel can ever have peace with Hamas is to surrender to them.

      Is that what you advocate?
      shootersa, Jun 18, 2021
    3. FuntimeFla
      Who said anything about surrender? European Jews invade British mandated Palestine, Stole land by killing the inhabitants, committed acts of Terror upon the British Government rulers, who dump this shit in the lap of the U.S. and we take the side of the terrorist thieves ! It wasn't their land ! Just who would be surrendering here?
      FuntimeFla, Jun 19, 2021
    4. shootersa
      Hamas and palestine require that Israel surrender as a first requirement.

      They will not accept any offer that includes Israel existing.
      shootersa, Jun 19, 2021
  19. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The land does not belong to the Palestinians, so it cannot be stlen from them.
    1. FuntimeFla
      Excuse me? You need study up on history pal ! That is about as stupid as saying Arizona didn't belong to the Apache's, or that New York didn't belong to the Iriquois tribe. That land never at any time belonged to any Polish , Russian or European Jews, who went in and stole the place after WW2!

      Now lets go back even further, The Jewish religion began in "Egypt", not Palestine, not Israel, there was no Israel, when Moses led "his people " out of Egypt, he didn't part the waters, he knew where to cross the river right before the "Inundation".

      By the time they got to what you call Israel, they literally sacked the place !
      FuntimeFla, Jun 19, 2021
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The balloon incendiary bombs will result in massive retaliation by Israel. So far Israel has maintained a one to twenty kill ration with the Palestinians. That will move even further in Israel's favor if the Palestinians persist in their aggregression.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021