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  1. BestSexEastTN

    BestSexEastTN Porn Surfer

    May 30, 2019
    I was with this man for years and sometimes when he got spun. I feelt like I was invisible. He would spend hours and hours on his phone looking for people to watch him Jack off and leave me by myself. Sometimes he would ask for a blow job and try to fuck me. I would feel so lonely and unwanted. So I would disappear in a dark corner and cry myself to sleep. Feeling unsexy and unwanted. It's so strange for a woman to get hit on by a thousand men..But I only wanted his attention and touch. I will never understand what happened when I wasn't enough to keep his attention... Sorry for the sad story.
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    2. Congajoe9334
      Can I hear a cheating wife playing the world's smallest violin. Playing My heart boles for you. You sell that crap pretty good. Come. On guys tried some balls
      Congajoe9334, Jun 30, 2020
  2. spellbinder2017

    spellbinder2017 Sex Lover

    May 24, 2019
    Just remember pretty lady!!! It's his loss. You should've never been treated that way or put in that position and you should sure never let any tears of sorrow stream down that pretty face of your's. You are not unwanted and you are not unsexy. The problem is he rejected you and rejection can hurt the worst in any type of relationship.

    He is and was the idiot for rejecting you. I can hear the pain and sadness and hurt that you still carry through your story. I imagine you are a passionate, loving and sexual woman who would have done almost anything to make him happy and please him. And a man who would reject that or through that kind of love and devotion away is a fool. You are worth more than that and you deserve better than that!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Stephie12

    Stephie12 Sex Lover

    Feb 22, 2019
    You look very attractive in your avatar pic, very nice body hon. I would never let a man make me feel the way you feel..he wants you to feel that way so you think you are unwanted and no worthy of attention so he can use you whenever he wants to.
    He is the one with the problem sweetie,he is a mean self centered asshole. You have just as bad a problem by not taking up one of the offers I'm sure you get and start seeing other men hon and dump his sorry, worthless ass !! If you stay with this idiot than the fault is yours for not moving on and getting your confidence and self esteem back, that part is your fault for not moving on and getting rid of this loser !! Stephie
    • Like Like x 2
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  4. BestSexEastTN

    BestSexEastTN Porn Surfer

    May 30, 2019
    This was a story from my past years ago.. I read another woman thread about something similar..
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Heyimhere

    Heyimhere Newcumer

    May 30, 2019
    Let's have fun
  6. Whispirr

    Whispirr Porno Junky

    May 22, 2016
    I'm sorry for the thumbs up rating. I couldn't figure out the right way to rate it. But I didnt want to do Thurs down to give it a bad rating, but what I mean is I'm so sorry... No deserves to feel that way. I understand the feeling not with the same situation but by feeling unwanted and alone.... No one deserves to feel that way. Right now I'm struggling with my confidence and pride in myself. Im sure this was sometime in the past for you and I hope your much better now. But I feel that pain and just wanted to extend a an apology your because you don't deserve that shit...
  7. BamaStu

    BamaStu Sex Machine

    Apr 21, 2019
    Alway know ur self-worth. If don't know ur own self- worth, others will not know to value u. U can either be valued, or u will be resented and taken for granted by others.
  8. I.M.Sinn

    I.M.Sinn Newcumer

    Feb 3, 2017
    Thank you for sharing! I really appreciate it. There is a bit of comfort in knowing I’m not alone. Sad but true.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Congajoe9334

    Congajoe9334 Porn Surfer

    Dec 27, 2019
    She talks about the things she would do to every woman n man on here even her brother-in-law. Think she's a saint. She's on a porn site for Christ's sake.
    Lol. Too funny
  10. Congajoe9334

    Congajoe9334 Porn Surfer

    Dec 27, 2019
    Ask her huow many husbands are still alive?
  11. Nicecouple1

    Nicecouple1 Sex Lover

    Jul 5, 2019
    Hey conga Joe, she did not speak of doing porn or being married before why you being so cruel. She may be a good looking girl who truly gets clobbered by jealous haters. Maybe her man was on meth. That will do it.
  12. Congajoe9334

    Congajoe9334 Porn Surfer

    Dec 27, 2019
    True but I was her man
  13. Nicecouple1

    Nicecouple1 Sex Lover

    Jul 5, 2019
    You should talk to her
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Congajoe9334

    Congajoe9334 Porn Surfer

    Dec 27, 2019
    The damage is done she finally made me give a shit what my family an peers thought about me. I let it go for the sake o
    F her grandchildren lan kids that I love dearly. After ATF DEA VICE raided my house twice and made it a point to not wake me up as they searched the house inside n out. They knew who the bad guys were an it wasn't me. It's sad I loved her deeply I still help her ad much as I can. Pray for her not me.
  15. Congajoe9334

    Congajoe9334 Porn Surfer

    Dec 27, 2019
    Get hit on by thousand men. Hell If you had as many dicks out of you that you had in you you would be a porcupine
  16. MojoRyder69

    MojoRyder69 Sex Machine

    Jul 26, 2019
    I have wanted a woman who could have gone with me trucking, so we would have been together for life's adventure's. And she would be readily available for me to fuck whenever, where ever we decided to pull over.
    The bed is right there with us. Nobody would have any idea of what dirty kinds of sex we enjoyed or we would enjoyed it with. I would have had a few friends helping me fuck you good and proper
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Ahh1999
      Ahh1999, Nov 5, 2022