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  1. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    Well it is gonna be an interesting wall....

    not exactly a straight line.....




    • Like Like x 1
  2. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    Walls don't necessarily need to be straight. They need to be HIGH.

    Rixer would make a good wall :biggrin:
    1. Rixer
      High and Mighty.
      good call.:thumbsup:
      Rixer, Aug 1, 2016
      conroe4 likes this.
    2. Wafarer
      cue in Pink Floyd: `Mother'
      Wafarer, Aug 14, 2016
  3. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    the people jumping them are usually high........
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    Will Trump buy China's?
    1. wackmeoff
      Good point, but will it have a made in China sticker on it? Also, who pays the shipping?
      wackmeoff, Aug 13, 2016
  5. sexpot

    sexpot Sex Machine

    Nov 27, 2007
    .....Speedy has long known its gonna be interesting.
  6. sexpot

    sexpot Sex Machine

    Nov 27, 2007
  7. RandyKnight

    RandyKnight Have Gun, Will Travel

    Sep 24, 2008
    we moved the London Bridge here....


    I say we round up all the illeagles and they can build the wall.....

    they can live in tents and eat tacos and beans.............

    if they dont like they can go to mexico....

    when the wall is finished if they can speak English and pass a citizenship test they can stay....

    If they die while building it---do like china and just toss them in it.....
    • Like Like x 2
    1. shootersa
      Wait. You want a bunch of sick birds to build the wall?
      In any case, I don't think Eagles will eat beans. Tacos maybe, but not beans.
      shootersa, Aug 3, 2016
  8. sexpot

    sexpot Sex Machine

    Nov 27, 2007
  9. txstripper

    txstripper Porn Star

    Jun 6, 2008
    Doesn't matter. Mexicans don't climb walls. They dig tunnels. :biggrin:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. osakisbl

    osakisbl old codger

    Jan 11, 2010
    For this crap, I spent fifty years of my life trying to unlearn, what I learned in Southern Alabama as a child?
    1. CFH3ll
      Religious people have a hard time with this concept (unlearning)
      CFH3ll, Aug 2, 2016
  11. Rothko

    Rothko Porn Star

    Jul 20, 2011
    "I wouldn't consider myself racist but I do think some of the jokes are funny."

    Yeah Right !!
    1. CFH3ll
      What if I told you I was racist against my own race would you then believe that statement was true?
      CFH3ll, Aug 2, 2016
    2. Rothko
      No it would just confirm my opinion about your stunted intelligence
      Rothko, Aug 2, 2016
    3. CFH3ll
      And the reason for the stunted intelligence is because most of my life I was taught by fucktards in what to believe as reality. So you can see my delima :) God bless lol
      CFH3ll, Aug 2, 2016
  12. osakisbl

    osakisbl old codger

    Jan 11, 2010
    CFH3ll, if you have read any of my posts, you would know that I am NOT a religious person. I simply moved north into the twentieth Century.
    1. CFH3ll
      I was really beginning to wonder if I was the only one here, my common sense told me that couldn't be the case considering the diversity of such a site, it then makes me wonder for those who do believe in such a fraud how God would feel about them looking at such filth? I would like to hear their rebuttals
      CFH3ll, Aug 3, 2016
  13. osakisbl

    osakisbl old codger

    Jan 11, 2010
    religious bigotry and "filth" reside in the mind of the idiot.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. CFH3ll

    CFH3ll OMERTA'

    Jun 11, 2015
    In other words I would love to hear how a religious person would justify being on such a site.... Please someone humor me I'm bored!!!
    • Like Like x 1
    1. ejls
      Do you think religious people don't have sex or appreciate beautiful pictures of the human body?
      ejls, Aug 3, 2016
      Ed Itor and wackmeoff like this.
    2. CFH3ll
      Keep going.... This is gonna be good
      CFH3ll, Aug 3, 2016
    3. ejls
      I don't have to keep going. You were asked a question and didn't answer it. Obviously, you just don't get it. I'm done.
      ejls, Aug 3, 2016
      wackmeoff and Wee Hector like this.
    4. CFH3ll
      Your a fucking useless piece of shit
      CFH3ll, Aug 3, 2016
      ted mitchell likes this.
    5. Wafarer
      I am, according to a God of my understanding' ok--pornography is a relatively new concept, relating to man's own shaming of man(or woman, for that matter), and, I am reminded of the time of about 500 years ago, when any art under $50 or Br. lbs, was considered `pornography'. At this time, no where near affordable by the `masses'. The loonie Left practice their own brand of religion, secular variety. So, for both `sides' it bunk. That's it for now.
      Wafarer, Aug 14, 2016
  15. CFH3ll

    CFH3ll OMERTA'

    Jun 11, 2015
    Don't answer a question with another question ironically religious people are notorious for this
  16. DS1980

    DS1980 Sex Machine

    Jul 9, 2011
    I was going to make a joke about Mexicans, but that would be crossing a line.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. sexpot

    sexpot Sex Machine

    Nov 27, 2007
    Politicians are notorious for answering questions with another question.
  18. Wee Hector

    Wee Hector Porn Star

    May 12, 2011
    A black woman appeared on Mastermind and was asked
    "Who were the first men to fly across the Atlantic?"
    "Rastus and Sambo," she replied.
    "No, I'm sorry, it was Alcock and Brown."
    "I know, but what do you think Rastus and Sambo are?"
  19. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    They're making a sequel to the Vietnam War movie, Apocalypse Now. It's being filmed in the Philippines and called A Pack of Flips Now.:stop::wideyed:

    forgive me. ...
    • Like Like x 1
    1. freethinker
      "Ahhhh, I love the smell of adobo in the morning..."
      freethinker, Aug 13, 2016
  20. FeltPlay

    FeltPlay Porn Star

    Dec 30, 2014
    I have one of the harshest jokes ever...don't think I should post it though.