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Last Activity:
Mar 27, 2025 at 1:06 PM
Sep 25, 2010
Likes Received:
Apr 6, 1990 (Age: 34)
Home Page:
Reno, Nevada
Sports blogger. Video Editor. Podcaster.


Porno Junky, 34, from Reno, Nevada

I want a milf so bad! Mar 8, 2025

XslickX was last seen:
Mar 27, 2025 at 1:06 PM
    1. XslickX
      Can't satisfy everyone, but I'm not agreeing to every demand on "hand". Sorry‍♂️
      1. CloverBaby likes this.
    2. XslickX
      A guys night out ruined by one of the guys...hopefully a good porn makes me feel better...
      1. Bigjdogg and Cntlicker527 like this.
      2. Dan ForAll
        Dan ForAll
        Ah u guys should help him out and release his tension
        Dec 10, 2023
        XslickX and Cntlicker527 like this.
      3. XslickX
        I feel like we should've. He was a buzzkill cuz he didn't seem happy with his girl, but I had a stressful week of work and wanted to destress. I think the strip club would've been the answer for sure.
        Dec 10, 2023
    3. XslickX
      A guys night out ruined by one of the guys...hopefully a good porn makes me feel better...
      1. Cntlicker527 and Kunj like this.
    4. XslickX
      Heading to Utah and chillin' out. Can't wait!
    5. Kinkycat
      Go to bed now geez lol jk
      1. XslickX likes this.
      2. XslickX
        Tuck me in then!
        Oct 30, 2023
        Kinkycat likes this.
    6. XslickX
      Ex tried talking to me again. Same ol' BS. Great puss, but not about the drama. I'm cool being single. Not worth it.
      1. Kinkycat and Max cage like this.
      2. Kinkycat
        Good for
        U yea
        Oct 30, 2023
        XslickX likes this.
    7. Kinkycat
      Gm for little red lol
      1. Jon59 and XslickX like this.
      2. XslickX
        Haha GA :D
        Oct 14, 2023
        Kinkycat likes this.
    8. XslickX
      Finally my weekend after none for two straight weeks. Drinking different kinds of alcohol until the ends of the night unto early morning.
      1. Kinkycat likes this.
    9. XslickX
      Working on things before I work on my "thing"
    10. XslickX
      1. Bustymilf1 likes this.
    11. XslickX
      People telling me to get a girl and have kids is like saying there's a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It doesn't look realistic lol
      1. Lyndame likes this.
    12. XslickX
      Drinking and porn after a rough work week.
      1. Tyler shorkey likes this.
    13. XslickX
      Drinking and porn surfing until I buzz out for the night. What a work week.
      1. Dmp23 likes this.
    14. XslickX
      Don't usually go more than 2 days without busting one. Looks like I'll make it to the weekend for sure.
      1. bigdaddyDD likes this.
    15. XslickX
      Had a few drinks at the bar. Matures or latinas are on my mind right now...
    16. Lucy Gage for BBC
      Lucy Gage for BBC
      mmmmm. blacks dominating inferior whites is my thing... were all inferior to the glory of black cock....
      1. XslickX likes this.
      2. XslickX
        I enjoy white ladies on their knees in the face of a black cock. It's a big turn on.
        Apr 15, 2023
        Lucy Gage for BBC likes this.
    17. XslickX
      Drinking to my heart's content and watching some booba. Long dang week!
    18. XslickX
      Bowled against a gorgeous bombshell tonight, but at least she didn't faze me. Now, it's time to let off some steam.
    19. XslickX
      If my FWB comes into town this week, well you know...ditto ;P
    20. VickyLBest
      Thank you for following
      1. XslickX likes this.
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  • About

    Apr 6, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Home Page:
    Reno, Nevada
    Sports blogger. Video Editor. Podcaster.
    Sexual Orientation:
    Milfs, Matures, BBWs, pregnant women and short petite women are my faves ;)

    Riding as a single dude. Not interested in dating for a while. Masturbation and porn are my go-to's.

    RIP Nana, Dad, Furby, Jessica, Marcos, second mama Nikki, Leslie. 2020-2023


    Enjoying life as it comes day by day. There's always obstacles for me to go through but I always do my best to overcome them.
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