Why has Deadpool broken his own timeline?

The Boss

Why has Deadpool broken his own timeline?

Broken, Deadpool, timeline

Ryan Reynolds donned the Deadpool costume to promote the official trailer for ‘Free Guy’, a production starring Ryan Reynolds. However, Marvel’s bad boy’s extra-official welcome to Disney has a few flaws in the timeline.

Let’s see, yes, we know that there is little left for Deadpool to say present as part of the MCU, with his third production, however, his early appearance with Disney to comment on the production of his “alter ego”, has some details regarding in time we must stop.

Those who have seen ‘Deadpool 2’ will remember that the end of the film focused on Deadpool traveling through a variety of timelines. Among them, the murder of Ryan Reynolds before he even agreed to play Green Lantern, which was released in 2011.

So while we agree that ‘Green Lantern’ is an episode that shouldn’t be repeated and should be wiped off the map, the fact that Wade Wilson killed Reynolds in 2011 doesn’t make the fact that he’s now commenting on a tape with the actor as the main character?

As part of the ‘Free Guy’ promo, Deapool teamed up with Korg, Taika Waititi’s character in the ‘Thor’ timeline, to comment on the recent trailer for the 20th Century Fox film. Who does it say “multiverse” around here?

It’s certainly an entertaining and more than funny piece of marketing, but it’s kind of confusing if you look at it from the point of view that, in the Deadpool universe, Reynolds was killed by Wade Wilson years ago.

Of course there is no rational explanation for all this, especially since such a scene was part of the post credits of ‘Deadpool 2’, so this could mean absolutely nothing. It’s clear that Ryan Reynolds is alive, and that Wilson’s feat was just another way for the actor to poke fun at himself for his work done on ‘Green Lantern’.

Surely, this reaction to the ‘Free Guy’ trailer has nothing to do with Deadpool’s future in the mouse house, but that doesn’t change the fact that we were supposed to speculate on the timeline.

Especially because although Green Lantern is not part of the Marvel universe, in a way Wade Wilson killed his version of the character, making way for HBO Max to recover the DC fans. Again, this is a real multiverse.


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