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  1. fentonblue

    fentonblue Amateur

    Aug 16, 2008

    if your man had PE what would you do? Would you mock him and make fun of him, making him even more anxious? Or would you try to help him to overcome it? If so, how would you do that?

    Do I have PE if I can only last for 2 or 3 minutes in the missionary position. I can last much longer with the woman on top.
  2. chrisK

    chrisK Amateur

    May 7, 2008
    yeah same here dude. makes me feel like a bit inadequate! i'd love to last longer inside my girlfriend but well.... she's fit and has a tight pussy.... what can i say. she seems satisfied though - she says i'm the only person apart from herself to actually make her come!

    ok, im rambling. try using condoms esp ones designed to make you last longer. think of other things while you're doing it i guess. and don't make too much of a deal about it! if you're finished before she is give her a little fun with your fingers or tounge, no girl could complain about that.
  3. Glitterbug2212

    Glitterbug2212 Porn Star

    Jul 3, 2008
    one thing i have heard works is if you know you are going to be meeting up with your girl and there is a high probability of sex occurring, jerk off before meeting up, or if you are a guy who can get it up again fairly quickly...have her give you a blowjob or handjob first so you are a bit relaxed and arent brimming to cum already
  4. Emily23XXX

    Emily23XXX Studette

    Oct 6, 2008
    This is good.

    I guess your young, so if you cum shorty after penatration, just give her oral for a while after, and I'm sure you'll be ready for round #2 in no time.

    Cumming doesnt' mean you have to stop :)
  5. ecesis

    ecesis Sex Machine

    Aug 3, 2008
    why would you want to be with anyone who would make fun of you because of something that occurred in the bedroom?

    anyways, how physically fit are you? i find that guys who aren't particularly fit don't last very long in missionary position simply because they get exhausted...
  6. TheElite

    TheElite Sex Machine

    Jun 23, 2008
    If you want to last longer.

    Just start having sex, and when you get close, slow down a bit, maybe suck on her breasts, or play with her clit again while going slowly, it will be a HUGE tease, and she'll be begging for it ;)

    P.s, it also makes her cum sooner, so you don't have to last as long :p
  7. Mgn

    Mgn Porno Junky

    Sep 4, 2008
    i think what would happen with me is my bone curves on my side will hurt a girl when i i'm on top or bottom.

    Doggy style would be better for me =P

    but yea try masturbating before you go have fun with her or do what i would do if i ever got stuck like that.

    just stop thusting for awhile and then eat her out and finger her g-spot.

    then once your back to normal continue thrusting.
  8. skinnyhootersgirl32

    skinnyhootersgirl32 Amateur

    Oct 11, 2008
    Another guy concerned about cumming to quickly...When will men learn.

    I've never made fun of a man for cumming. That's horrible. I mean, isn't that the point of sex? To cum? To make fun of a man for that would defeat the whole purpose.

    That said, I don't find it a turn off when a man cums quickly. It all depends on the situation. If we skipped most foreplay and went straight to intercourse and the man came right away, I'd be a little dissapointed but I'd never make fun of him. However, if we'd been fooling around (i.e. handjob, blowjob, etc.) for a while and he was already on the verge when we started actual intercourse that would be a little different.

    In the cases where a man simply can't keep from cuming, let him. It's been my experience that once a man has his first orgasm, it takes him a much longer time the second time around. So just be patient and keep fooling around.

    Guys, stop worrying about cumming too quickly. If you do, find something else fun (eating pussy's a great suggestion...) to do while you "re-boot"
  9. Lookn4awillin1

    Lookn4awillin1 Porn Star

    Jul 8, 2008
    Use a toy to start then go to the real thing, or get her hot and bothered before you penetrate her. I don't believe any woman could be satisfied by a two or three minute ride...regardless if she doesn't complain. That being said, it would take a heartless bitch to laugh at you for PE. Hope you can work it out.
  10. BIFF

    BIFF Sex Machine

    Jul 23, 2006
    Best thing to do is wear a clown mask when you pork, that way you are one step ahead of her.
  11. MrDuckegg

    MrDuckegg Porn Surfer

    Aug 2, 2008
    Ladies cum first! Remember that!

    Dude, if you get her off multiple times throught foreplay before intercourse she's not likely to notice you came in two minutes. Especially if she gets off while you are in her. Get her off with your hands and tounge. You can let her rub herself with your johnson till she gets off (Amazing to watch/feel), before intercourse.

    To last longer try PC muscle exercises. Also read that men with PE often try to keep their erection rock hard by continuously flexing it. (You know when you tighten up the muscles down there and you can feel it swell stiffer). You need to learn to not do that so much after you have put it in. The muscle tension during the flexing speeds along ejaculation. So they say.

    Good luck. By the way, I don't think a woman who really cares would make fun of you. That sounds like shes a Bitch, Unless of course shes frustrated because you arn't getting her off at all. If thats the case then what do you expect, she wants to cum just like you do, ya know!
  12. zorbas

    zorbas Porn Star

    Jan 28, 2008
    You're right work it up a bit on the front end of things and make sure she is on the verge, that is of course , if she isn't faking it and take it from there.
    I love your heartless bitch shot and can guarantee if she was my woman she would be out of my life pronto quick....
  13. x0Bella0x

    x0Bella0x Nerds can be hot too

    Aug 29, 2007
    of course i wouldn't mock him. i'd just keep him hard and do it again.
  14. TheElite

    TheElite Sex Machine

    Jun 23, 2008
    Sounds like a plan Miss Bella! :excited:
  15. Converse_Star

    Converse_Star Porn Surfer

    Nov 5, 2008
    dude, I've found that if you're concentrating on just her and making her feel REAL good, you'll last as long as you need/want to (sorry I can't let this sentence end in a preposition). But seriously, focus on her. I mean, for instance, my first time I lasted seriously about 2 hours. No lie. Being dead serious. BUT, I was concentrating solely on her and doing a good performance. Plus, ( and this is probably why I lasted so long lol) we didn't fuck like hardcore fast. We did it slow and sensual for some time and then sped up, then we'd slow down again.

    I hope that's helpful, even if in the slightest. :)
  16. rcarson13

    rcarson13 Official Welcome Wagon In XNXX Heaven

    May 5, 2008

    :rose:is right on. If at first you cum too quick, cum, cum again. If you cannot cum but once eat the pussy, cum and all.
  17. BAM 69

    BAM 69 Panty Thief

    Mar 7, 2007
    i hate it when she is on top i dont know if its i got a small dick or they just dont know how to fuck me but it never gets me off.
  18. StickyMilf

    StickyMilf Porno Junky

    Nov 7, 2010
    Would never make fun of him no!..i take it as a compliment, especially now i am in my 50's lol
    But lots of good replies above...if he is game i love to feel his tongue inside me after he has come, its a fantastic feeling..a tongue AND sticky cum being spread around..and usually my man is ready in no time for a longer session....dosnt matter how long it takes!:)